Conference Presentations and Papers

Grantee  Title Conference name and year Authors 
 John Dale Dianala Distribution of seismic and aseismic slip on the creeping segment of the Philippine Fault (Leyte Island) 2019 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO., USA. June 10-14, 2019  Dianala, John Dale., Romain Jolivet, Marion Thomas, Barry Parsons, Richard Walker
 John Dale Dianala Rate and extent of shallow interseismic slip and a recent Mw 6.5 earthquake on the creeping segment of the Philippine Fault American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA. December 2018 Dianala, John Dale., Jolivet, R., Thomas, M., Parsons, B., Walker, R.T.
John Dale Dianala  Interseismic and coseismic deformation on the Philippine Fault (Leyte Island) resolved by InSAR 19th General Assembly of WEGENER, Grenoble, France. 10-13 September 2018 / Paper Dianala, John Dale., Jolivet, R., Thomas, M., Parsons, B., Walker, R.T.
John Dale Dianala In search of creep in the Tien Shan: A geologic and geodetic exploration International Workshop: Active Tectonics in the Tien Shan, Jena, Germany 2018 Dianala, John Dale., R. Walker, K. Abdrakhmatov, M. Patyniak, A. Williams, A. Mukambayev, E. Rahimdinov
John Dale Dianala Interplay Between Seismic and Aseismic Slip on Seismogenic Faults American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA 2019 Dianala, John Dale.
 Stephen Doliente Simultaneous Planning, Design and Operation of Multi-Product Jatropha Value Chains Using Multi-Objective Spatio-Temporal Optimisation 2020 American Insitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)Annual Meeting held virtually  Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Multi-Objective Optimisation of Bio-Aviation Fuel Value Chains: Modelling the Production Potential of Developed and Developing Countries 2020 American Insitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting held virtually  Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Multi-Objective Optimisation of Multi-Product Rice Value Chains: A Whole-Systems Analysis of the Environment-Food-Energy-Water Nexus 2020 American Insitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting held virtually Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente A Multi-Objective MILP Model of Rice Value Chains for Integrated Food, Fuels, Energy and Chemical Production 2018 International Conference on the Biomass-Environment-Food-Energy- Water Nexus held in Hotel Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Food, Energy, Fuels and Chemical Feedstocks from Rice Crops: Multi-Objective Optimisation of Multi-Product Value Chains for the Philippines 2018 American Insitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting held in David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Planning, Design and Operation of Sustainable and Efficient Multi-Product Rice Value Chains Using Multi-Objective Spatio-Temporal Optimisation 2018 American Insitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting held in David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Rice crop as a feedstock for the production of food, chemicals, fuels and renewable energy: multi-objective value chain optimisation International Sustainable Production and Consumption Conference 2018 held in Manchester, UK Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Stephen Doliente Rice value chains in developing countries: Opportunities and challenges in supplying the biofuel demands International Sustainable Production and Consumption Conference 2018 held in Manchester, UK Doliente, SS., Samsatli, S.
Justine Perry Domingo Suspended Sediment Dynamics and Heavy Metal Contamination in Catchments Affected by Nickel Mining: A Case Study in The Philippines American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, California Domingo, J.P.T., Attal, M., Ngwenya, B.T., Mudd, S.M.
Justine Perry Domingo Water Isotopes and Weathering Fluxes from Catchments in the Zambales Ophiolite Region, Luzon, Philippine Goldschmidt 2020, virtual Ibarra, D.E., Domingo, J.P.T., Meyer, N., Mix, H., Tolentino, P., Attal, M., David, C.P.
Justine Perry Domingo Assessment of ultramafic silicate weathering fluxes derived from high-resolution sampling: an example from the Zambales ophiolite, Luzon, Philippines American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, virtual Ibarra, D.E., Domingo, J.P.T., Meyer, N., Mix, H., Tolentino, P., Attal, M., David, C.P.
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