Conference presentations and papers

Grantee  Title Conference name and year Authors 
 Zyra Evangelista Creating safe and inclusive spaces for LGBT+ in higher education institutions Research presented at the School of Psychology-Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology Mental Health and Well-being Research Group Meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. 2019 Evangelista, ZM. 
  Zyra Evangelista PGR development: Fortuitous misadventures in networking and public engagement Seminar at the Postgraduate researchers townhall meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. 2019 Evangelista, ZM.
  Zyra Evangelista Creating safe and inclusive spaces for LGBT+ in higher education institutions Research presented at the Gender and Sexual Diversity Equality Group Meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. 2019 Evangelista, ZM.
  Zyra Evangelista Creating safe and inclusive spaces for LGBT+ in higher education institutions Research presented at the LGBT+ Staff Network Research Sharing, University of Glasgow, UK. 2019 Evangelista, ZM.
  Zyra Evangelista Creating safe and inclusive spaces for LGBT+ in higher education institutions Research presented at the School of Psychology-Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology Research Day, University of Glasgow, UK. 2018 Evangelista, ZM.
  Zyra Evangelista Assessing the campus climate and its relation to the well-being of LGBT+ university students and staff in the Philippines and the United Kingdom Research presented at the School of Education Postgraduate Researcher Seminar, University of Glasgow, UK. 2018 Evangelista, ZM.
Marciana Galambao Using three-way interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods to enhance crop protection and production in Abaca 3rd Annual Meeting of the COST ACTION FA1405: Three-way interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods: impacts, mechanisms and utilisation, Malta Galambao, MB., Preziosi, R.F., Zytynska, S.E., Jennifer, K.
Marciana Galambao Molecular detection and identification of endosymbionts in banana aphid from Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) in the Philippines British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018 Galambao, MB., Preziosi, R.F., Zytynska, S.E., Jennifer, K.
Marciana Galambao Location and plant variety influences endosymbiont communities in banana aphid from Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) in the Philippines COST ACTION FA1405 Final Meeting: Phytobiomes and Plant Health: From basics to application Galambao, MB., Preziosi, R.F., Zytynska, S.E., Jennifer, K.
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells Keystone Symposia Positive-strand RNA Viruses meeting, June 9-13, 2019, Killarney, Ireland. Organizer: Keystone Symposia and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo Zika virus utilises the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway during infection of both mosquito and human cells IMAV 2019: International Meeting on Arboviruses and their Vectors, September 5-6, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Organizer: UK Microbiology Society Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells UK Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019, April 8-11, 2019 at Belfast, United Kingdom. Organizer: UK Microbiology Society. Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo Zika virus interactome: from mosquitoes to humans INSPIRE BRUNCH and Garscube PhD Day, University of Glasgow, 27 November Gestuveo, R.J. 
Rommel Gestuveo  Development of Aedes aegypti mosquito cell lines stably expressing Zika virus proteins Viruses 2018 – Breakthroughs in Viral Replication, February 7-9, 2018, Barcelona, Spain Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo Development of Aedes aegypti mosquito cell lines stably expressing Zika virus proteins Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2018, 10-13 April 2018, ICC, Birmingham, UK, 3Is Away Day 2018, 11 May 2018, QEUH, Glasgow, UK Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo  Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells Genomic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases 2018, 5-8 November 2018, UP Diliman, Philippines Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo  Host-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells: prospects for therapeutics 2018 Molecular Medicine Conference: Bench-to-Bedside at the St. Luke’s Medical Center-College of Medicine, Philippines Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo  Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells Keystone Symposia Positive-strand RNA Viruses meeting, June 9-13, 2019, Killarney, Ireland. Organizer: Keystone Symposia and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo  Zika virus utilises the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway during infection of both mosquito and human cells IMAV 2019: International Meeting on Arboviruses and their Vectors, September 5-6, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Organizer: UK Microbiology Society Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells UK Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019, April 8-11, 2019 at Belfast, United Kingdom. Organizer: UK Microbiology Society. Gestuveo, R.J., Varjak, M., Kohl, A.
Rommel Gestuveo  Zika virus interactome: from mosquitoes to humans INSPIRE BRUNCH and Garscube PhD Day, University of Glasgow, 27 November 2019 Gestuveo, R.J.
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis with ortholog mapping reveals host-virus interactions important during Zika virus infection of mosquito and human cells American Society for Virology 2020 Virtual Workshop, "Arboviruses: Invertebrate Host/Vector-Virus Interactions, June 17, 2020 (online) Gestuveo, R.J., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A., Varjak, M.
Rommel Gestuveo DOST Newton PhD Scholarship ScienceChatPH, Prospectus: Navigating through your postgraduate applications Part 2: Getting into PhD, August 29, 2020 (online) Gestuveo, R.J.
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis with ortholog mapping reveals host-virus interactions important during Zika virus infection of mosquito and human cells UK Microbiology Society 75th Anniversary Celebration, Why Microbiologists Matter: Fleming Showcase, November 23-26, 2020 (online) Gestuveo, R.J., Royle, J., Donald, C.L., Kohl, A., Varjak, M.
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