Conference Presentations and Papers

Grantee  Title Conference name and year Authors 
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla
Future electricity scenarios
for remote communities:
and economic
sustainability assessment
14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 1-6 Oct 2019 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
 Jhud Mikhail Aberilla
Future scenarios for small-scale power systems in remote communities: design and sustainability assessment
9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management Aberilla, J.M., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.  
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla
Future electricity scenarios
for remote communities: 
and economic
sustainability assessment
Life Cycle Management Conference, Poznan, Poland. Sep 2019 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla Environmental assessment of household energy use in tropical remote communities UKERC Annual Conference, Oxford, UK. 24-26 Apr 2019 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla 
Environmental and economic
sustainability of off-grid solar
photovoltaic systems
integrated with storage: the effect of scale and type of battery
Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla Comparative life cycle assessment of small-scale off-grid electricity: the role of energy storage and distribution. 
International Sustainable Production and Consumption Conference, Manchester, UK. 4-5 Oct 2018
Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla Environmental sustainability of small-scale biomass power technologies for agricultural communities in developing countries 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Palermo, Italy. 30 Sept-4 Oct 2018. Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Jhud Mikhail Aberilla Environmental issues in the water-energy nexus: life cycle assessment of water supply options in remote communities SETAC Europe 24th LCA Symposium, Vienna, Austria. 24-26 Sept 2018 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A.
Sheen Mclean Cabañeros Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Models for Prediction of Urban Roadside PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 Pollution 24 to 48 Hours in Advance 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Oct 4 to 8, 2017  Cabañeros, S.M.
Sheen Mclean Cabañeros Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Models for Effective Prediction and Mitigation of Urban Roadside NO2 Pollution 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, Cardiff, UK (Aug 21 to 24, 2017) – Poster presentation Cabañeros, S.M. 
Sheen Mclean Cabañeros Short- and long-term forecasting of ambient air pollution levels using wavelet-based nonlinear autoregressive Artificial Neural Networks with exogenous inputs 27th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, Aveiro, Portugal. June 26 to 28, 2019 Cabañeros, S.M. 
Sheen Mclean Cabañeros A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Model based on Wavelet Decomposition and Genetic Algorithm for Urban Roadside NO2 Pollution Prediction

International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environment (SEEME), Newcastle upon Tyne

Cabañeros, S.M. 
Sheen Mclean Cabañeros Spatiotemporal estimation of roadside NO2 levels with the use of wavelet-based non-linear autoregressive artificial neural networks with exogenous inputs The International Society of Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, Salzburg, Austria Cabañeros, S.M. 
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Journal articles and reviews

Scholar Title Conference/Book/Journal title, year and page Authors ISSN (Print / Digital / Linking)
Environmental assessment of domestic water supply options in remote communities Water Research, Vol 175, 115687,  2020 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., & Azapagic, A. ISSN 0043-1354
An integrated sustainability assessment of synergistic supply of energy and water in remote communities Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol 22, 2020, Pages 1-23 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., & Azapagic, A. ISSN 2352-5509
Synergistic generation of energy and water in remote communities: Economic and environmental assessment of current situation and future scenarios Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 207, 112543, 2020 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., & Azapagic, A. ISSN 0196-8904
Environmental sustainability of cooking fuels in remote communities: Life cycle and local impacts Science of The Total Environment, Vol 713, 136445, 2020 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., & Azapagic, A. ISSN 0048-9697
Design and environmental sustainability assessment of small-scale off-grid energy systems for remote rural communities Applied Energy, Vol 258, 114004, 2020 Aberilla, Jhud Mikhail., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., & Azapagic, A. ISSN 0306-2619
Environmental sustainability of small-scale biomass power technologies for agricultural communities in developing countries Renewable Energy, Vol 141, 493–506. 2020, Pages 493-506 Aberilla, JM., Gallego-Schmid, A., Stamford, L., Azapagic, A. ISSN 0960-1481
Paul Dominick Baniqued  
Baniqued, PDE., Stanyer, EC., Awais, M., Alazmani, A., Jackson, AE., Mon-Williams, M.
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