In 2018, we awarded nine grants for PhD Scholarships, Researcher Links and Institutional Links. Meet our awardees here.

Institutional Links

 Grantee  Home institution UK partner  Research topic 
Leah Dela Rosa, PhD University of Santo Tomas University of Reading Eco Social Surveying: Mapping Social Assets, Urban Greenery and the Connections Between Them in Rapidly Changing Cities
Doracie Zoleta-Nantes, PhD Aurora State College of Science and Technology University of Reading Local approaches to supporting agricultural productivity and managing impacts of climate variability and change in indigenous communities in Aurora Province, Philippines

PhD scholars

PhD scholar Home institution  Host institution / UK university Research topic
Paul Dominick Baniqued De La Salle University – Manila  University of Leeds Development of a multimodal immersive approach to hand rehabilitation by integrating soft robotics, brain-computer interfaces and virtual reality
Stephen Doliente University of the Philippines Los Baños University of Bath Biomass value chains and the environment-food-energy-water nexus: whole-systems analysis and optimisation
Zyra Evangelista De La Salle University – Manila University of Glasgow Assessing Campus Climate and its Relation to the Academic Integration and Well-being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender University Students in the Philippines and the United Kingdom
Joan Pauline Talubo University of the Philippines Los Baños University of Surrey Assessing the Spatial Resilience of an Island Community in the Philippines through Companion Modelling for Disaster Risk and Recovery Planning

Researcher links workshop

Grant awardee Home institution UK partner Research topic
Jose Bienvenido Biona, PhD De La Salle University – Manila  University of Salford Smart Transport System and Asset Management
Raul Destura, MD Philippine Genome Centre London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine Infectious Disease Omics
Dennis Umali, DVM, PhD University of the Philippines Los Baños Pirbright Institute (formerly Institute for Animal Health) Novel Vaccines and Diagnostic Technologies Against Emerging and Re-Emerging Veterinary Pathogens

See also