
Katya Guerrero


In the Philippines, despite millions of pesos worth of support from the private sector, funding for arts and culture is often deemed insufficient. The total support given annually is also unknown. There is no formal research on the state and history of arts and culture philanthropy in the Philippines on giving in the private sector. This study commissioned by the British Council on arts and culture philanthropy in the Philippines – trends, perspectives and opportunities aim to address these. It highlights the creative sector while exploring future collaborations and exchanges with the UK.

‘’While the research was commissioned primarily to inform the British Council’s programming and partnership development, the report will also prove to be very beneficial to other organisations who are looking to grow their arts and culture programmes. Apart from generating insights from 75 philanthropists, the study delves deeper into the many ways that philanthropy is defined and implemented in the Philippines.”  
Lotus Postrado
Director Philippines, British Council

The study’s quantitative and qualitative evidence collection and analysis method has provided a better understanding of the arts and culture philanthropy landscape in the country.

Key findings

  • Sixty-one per cent of the 75 philanthropist respondents surveyed in the study are women, from 25 to 75 years old. 36 per cent are male and 3 per cent identified as ‘Other’. 
  • Eighty-five per cent of the respondents are based in the Philippines, while 15 per cent are abroad.
  • Seventy-seven per cent of the money is given for sponsorship to the visual arts.
  • Seventy-three per cent of the respondents support the visual arts, the majority of whom are art collectors. 
  • Fifty-nine per cent of respondents said that family is a major influence as to why they support the arts. They give money to make a difference and to give back. Another main influence for the support is advocacy or cause followed by passion.
  • Fifteen respondents said they give less than one per cent of their total assets while 11 said they give one to ten per cent. Aside from arts and culture, they support mostly education, environment and disaster relief. 
  • Philanthropy is not limited to the wealthy. There are visual artists who support artists and artisans with who they collaborate with in their practice.
Executive summary (10 min read)

This contains the key report insights. Download here.

Full report (30 min read)
This presents the full version of the report. Download here.

Adelaida Lim

Apart from the survey, 10 philanthropists were also interviewed to gain deeper insights into their work and philosophy. They are:  

See also