Deepen your skills to integrate 21st century skills into your teaching or school leadership.
Today’s young people are growing up in a fast-paced world. As new technologies, labour markets and digital channels open up new opportunities, they also pose new challenges for the world’s future citizens and workforce.
To be fully prepared for life and work in a global economy, it is essential that young people have the opportunity to develop the right skills.
Developed by the British Council and leading education experts, the training packages introduce participants to new interactive approaches and techniques while helping them to develop practical activity plans for use in the classroom. Teachers and School Leaders need to be empowered and enabled to create a learning environment where they can deliver teaching and learning which allows young people to develop core skills and competencies.
We also encourage school leaders to complete the Introduction to Core Skills for School Leaders course
What are Core Skills?
Core skills are the essential skills that young people need to be fully prepared for life and work in a global economy. Sometimes referred to as deep learning or 21st century skills, they introduce young people to new ways of working, new ways of thinking and new ways of living in a global world.
Developing these skills will help young people grow into creative and critical citizens, ready to shape the future for themselves and future generation.
The British Council is inviting applications from school leaders and teachers for the Core Skills Professional Development Programme. The training packages give participants the tools and approaches they need to ensure effective core skills provision in their schools, including strategies for planning, monitoring and improving teaching and learning and for mapping core skills across the curriculum.
How are these courses delivered?
Teachers who would like to take the course are required to complete the one-day Introduction to Core Skills Course. Once completed, they can then choose to complete any of the six Core Skills Courses. These are taught over a 4 to 8 week period, with a 2-day face-to-face session at the beginning, a period to implement a project plan, and another 1-day face-to-face session at the end. Online support will also be provided throughout the project implementation phase.
Learn more about each of the core skills featured in the training packages.