About the programme
The Government of the Republic of the Philippines with the support of the European Union is implementing the Justice Sector Reform Programme: Governance in Justice II (GOJUST II).
GOJUST II is funded by the European Union to the value of €19 million and implemented by the British Council and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). GOJUST II builds on and continues the work of its predecessor, GOJUST, which was implemented from April 2016 to September 2020. GOJUST II is implemented in joint co-financing with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (€1 million).
The overall objective of GOJUST is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development through improved access to justice for all in the Philippines. Specifically, it aims to develop more responsive and accountable justice services. It includes two components focusing on justice and human rights, respectively. The programme is being implemented from December 2020 to June 2025.
Background of the Non-Key Expert Mission
The 2017-2022 Philippine Development Plan (PDP) recognizes that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a vital tool for nation-building and good governance. The use of ICT and other new technologies has been more pronounced at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Automation and use of new technologies have become an imperative not just to maximize the process efficiencies that can be achieved but also in order to ensure that the justice agencies are able to cope with the cases during the pandemic when quarantine rules have required them to switch to a digital platform.
Role overview
The overall objective of the mission ‘Assessment of court remote hearings/ videoconferencing hearings in the Philippines' to review, assess, and evaluate the legal framework and implementation of remote hearings/ videoconferencing hearings in the Philippines and recommend measures to improve the policy and legal framework, technological solutions, and implementation modalities.
The non-key experts are expected to achieve the following objectives:
- To enhance the legal and governance framework of remote hearings/ videoconferencing hearings in the Philippines;
- To improve the effectivity of the use of remote hearings / videoconferencing hearings in different phases and types of court proceedings through procedural reform, technological improvement, and capacity building; and
- To ensure access to justice, especially by women, children and other vulnerable/ marginalized individuals or groups in the use of remote hearing/ videoconferencing hearings and provide recommendations on how to mitigate potential negative impact of the use of remote hearings/videoconferencing hearings
What are the available positions?
We are looking for qualified candidates to apply for the following positions:
Designation |
Type of expertise |
Duration (working days) |
Team Leader |
Senior National Law and Technology Expert |
55 |
Team Member |
Senior International Law and Technology Expert |
35 |
What is the duration of the contract?
The main mission period is 9 months from 20 April 2022 to 19 January 2023. The contract is meant to be delivered remotely.
How to apply?
Applications for this request for proposal is extended until 13 April 2022, 11.59 p.m. (Manila time)! Tender responses should be submitted to Henri Palma (henri.palma@britishcouncil.org.ph). For the complete list of required qualifications and skills, general and specific professional experience, please download the terms of reference (ToR) below.
For questions and concerns, the main contact person for this mission shall be the following:
- For technical matters: Senior Advisor Ingrid Rosalie L. Gorre, ingridrosalie.gorre@britishcouncil.org
- For administrative matters: Programme Officer Henri Palma, henri.palma@britishcouncil.org.ph