Through the European Union co-funded programme titled Strengthening CSO Participation in Social Enterprise Education and Development for Decent Work, Job Creation and SME Development (CSO-SEED), a research on the state of social enterprise in the Philippines was undertaken. 

The Social Enterprise Awareness Grant Scheme 2017 will support creative campaigning activities to raise the awareness of local populations, particularly vulnerable groups, of the results of the research undertaken into the Social Enterprise sector in ARMM and the Philippines. It will also help communities understand better what Social Enterprises are and its role in decent work, job creation and SME development. This grant will also cover a capacity-building activity for the CSO-SEED Multi-Stakeholder Advocacy Group on how to run local campaigns.

The British Council will give preference to joint/collaborative applications that demonstrate collaboration between organisations to enhance awareness and build support for the sector from various stakeholders such as the government and the community generally. The campaign will include audience specific approaches to share the results of the research and promote social enterprises as a viable pathway to solve social problems creatively and innovatively.

Guidelines on proposals

Proposals should have a clear central message, be focused and targeted to the audience. Proposals for activities to promote positive attitudes should be innovative and cost effective.  It should aim to have a multiplier effect at a national level with the aim of promoting positive attitudes where minimal, or no, initiatives have been taken to date. The proposals should have a focus on transferability whereby the project’s approach and deliverables can be used by other organisations in their own local contexts.

These guidelines outline the purpose of the grant and criteria for evaluating proposals received. This funding is for social enterprises, creative agencies with a clear social mission and voluntary, not for profit organisations based in the Philippines, preferably with operations or linkages to CSOs and other stakeholders in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Applying for a Grant

The application form for funding under the grant scheme is made up of four parts. 

Please submit three (3) hard copies of the application, any supporting documentation and an electronic copy in MS Word format.

The closing date for applications is 4pm Thursday, 24 August 2017. 

Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope to:

CSO-SEED, Society Department
British Council Philippines
10/F The Taipan Place, F. Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas Centre, Pasig City


Office of the Regional Governor (ORG), Don Rufino Alonzo Street
Cotabato City 9600

MS Word copies should be sent to:

and marked CSO-SEED Awareness Grant Scheme 2017.

Apply for the Social Enterprise Awareness Grant Scheme 2017 today.