Scholar Title Conference/Book/Journal title, year and page Authors ISSN (Print / Digital / Linking)
Stephen Doliente Bio-aviation fuel: A comprehensive review and analysis of the supply chain components   Doliente, S., Narayan, A., Tapia, JFD., Samsatli, NJ., Zhao Y., Samsatli, S.  
Stephen Doliente How much land is available for sustainable palm oil? Land Use Policy Volume 102, 2021, 105187 Tapia, JFD., Doliente, S., Samsatli, S. Digital: 0264-8377
Stephen Doliente Integrated production of food, energy, fuels and chemicals from rice crops: Multi-objective optimisation for efficient and sustainable value chains Journal of Cleaner Production In press 2020 Doliente, S.
Stephen Doliente Bio-aviation fuel: A comprehensive review and analysis of the supply chain components Frontiers in Energy Research 2020, 1-38  Doliente, S.  
Stephen Doliente Integrated production of fuels, energy and chemicals from Jatropha curcas: Multi-objective optimisation of sustainable value chains Chemical Engineering Transactions 2020, 343-348 Doliente, S.   
Stephen Doliente Multi-objective spatio-temporal optimisation for simultaneous planning, design and operation of sustainable and efficient value chains for rice crop  Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2019, 1453-1458 Doliente, S.  
Stephen Doliente Design of Biomass Value Chains that are Synergistic with the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Strategies and Opportunities  Food and Bioproducts Processing 2019, 170-185 Tapia, JFD.  
Rommel Gestuveo Proteomic analysis reveals vector-virus interactions between Zika virus and Aedes aegypti mosquito cells Access Microbiology. 1(1A)  2019
Gestuveo, RJ.
Rommel Gestuveo Zika virus utilises the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway during infection of mosquito and human cells Access Microbiology. 1(1A)  2019
Gestuveo, RJ.  
Rommel Gestuveo Glucose regulated protein 78 (GRP78) interacts with Zika virus envelope and is required for a productive infection Access Microbiology. 1(10):30  2019    
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