This dynamic workshop integrates the TMS (Team Management Systems) personal profiling tool and the TMS Online Activity Centre to develop awareness of your work preferences and the way you relate to others. It will also give you insights into what makes you and other people ‘tick’ as you get a better understanding of the behaviours of the people you work with.
You can apply the knowledge gained from the workshop, plus the apps from the Online Activity Centre, to plan your development and your team’s development for the future.
This is a fun course which involves a lot of group work, reflection and online activities.
Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to know why people behave as they do at work, including themselves!
- Know yourself better
- Appreciate difference in your working life
- Communicate more effectively by adapting your style to others
Learning Objectives
- Understand the factors that influence the way people behave at work
- Develop strategies for better communication with colleagues
- Identify what factors create a more cohesive team
Course Outline
Understanding TMP (Team Management Profile)
Before you attend the workshop you will complete a TMP survey. After you complete the survey, you will receive your TMP Profile. You then have time to learn about the TMP Profile and what it means for you through a series of online videos and quizzes.
Understanding TMP
- Work functions
- Review RIDOs
- Understanding role preferences
Understanding Yourself
- You and your work functions
- Work preferences snapshot
- The 4Ps
- Reviewing your performance
Understanding Others
- Who do you work with?
- Share your profile
- A communication case study
- Your colleague's RIDO
Managing your Relationships
- Pacing Skills
- Pacing to you and with your colleagues
Managing Your Career
- Career Coaching
- Job Match
Course Information
Length: 1 day
Maximum group size: 16